A for alienation

For A ko te Alienation in Te Reo Māori Consider the basic building blocks of society. Among the most fundamental of these is how we make and distribute the things that we need and want. The things you need in order to do this (the land, the tools, the resources) are called the means of […]

A E I O U: Hei hanga ao mo te kaimahi ABCs of Socialism

Nau mai, whakatau mai e te ti, e te ta ki ngā taihuringa āhuatanga  o te wā, Ā, ki te punipuni korero nei o A E I O U: Hei Hanga Ao mo te Kai Mahi. Welcome to The ABCs of Socialism, a series of short introductions to key socialist concepts for would-be world-changers. A […]

C mo te Capital

— Pānui C is for Capital ki te reo Ingarihi Nau mai, whakatau mai e te tī, e te tā ki ngā taihuringa āhuatanga o te wā, ā, ki te puna kōrero nei o A E I O U: Hei Hanga Ao mo te Kai Mahi. I ngā pānui e rua kua pahure, kua whakataki […]

C is for Capital

— C mo te Capital is available in te reo Māori Welcome to the ABC of Socialism, an introduction to socialist ideas for would-be world-changers. In our previous columns we introduced readers to two classes: the working class (or proletariat) and the capitalist class (or bourgeoisie). These are the main classes that make up capitalist […]

The Luxon Government: Its nature and the Challenge Ahead

A talk given by Martin Gregory to a national meeting of the ISO on 3 February 2024 The Luxon Government: Its nature and the Challenge Ahead A talk given by Martin Gregory to a national meeting of the ISO on 3 February 2024 First of all, a disclaimer. I am not going to talk about […]

Hands off Yemen: US and NZ out of the Middle East

The USA has demonstrably and violently escalated tensions surrounding the blockade in the Red Sea. It has responded to Houthi actions against shipping vessels by killing Yemeni Houthis, whose actions are a result of Israel’s ongoing genocide and occupation of Palestine and the withholding of aid to Palestinians. New Zealand, along with the UK and […]

Rally to support immigrant workers

Unions including TEU, First, E Tū, and NZNO gathered outside the Philippines embassy in Te Whanganui-a-Tara Wellington at midday on Friday 19th January 2024, calling on the Philippines government to ensure migrant workers are provided support. New Zealand construction company ELE, which employed numerous Filipino workers on temporary work visas, went into receivership in December […]

No rollback on reproductive rights!

Photo credit: ALRANZ Facebook

Protestors marched earlier this month, on the second of December, in defence of abortion and reproductive rights in Wellington. The march, organised by Poneke Anti-Fascist Coalition, was intended to counter the anti-abortion “March for Life” which is held each year by the organisation Right to Life. The numbers on both sides were smaller than they […]

Union Response to the War on Gaza

Palestinian unions are urging global unions to show solidarity and refuse to support the ongoing destruction in Gaza, including hospitals, ambulances, and refugee centres. Calling on unions internationally:  To refuse to build weapons destined for Israel. To refuse to transport weapons to Israel. To pass motions in their trade union to this effect. To take […]

Student Activism Revival

An exciting development of 2023 has been the return of university student protest, with a wave of protests erupting onto campuses across Aotearoa in response to proposed staff and course cuts. While we have seen outbreaks of student discontent on campus in recent years, such as the “New University” protests sparked by specialist library closures […]