Rallying for Syria
Around 80 people gathered in Aotea square today in Auckland representing different groups supporting the free peoples of Syria and condemning the barbaric and brutal attacks of Assad and his Russian backers. In Wellington on Friday 30 people held a rally outside the Russian Consul to protest Russia’s involvement in the bombings. The crimes in […]
Wellington solidarity with Syria
Around 60 people gathered outside the Russian embassy in Karori on Saturday afternoon to protest Russia’s military support for the Bashar al-Assad regime in Syria. The Russian state is helping to maintain the Assad dictatorship by providing crucial air support in the regime’s attempts to crush the Syrian revolution. Since September last year, Russian air […]
The language of the unheard in Bengaluru
“A riot is the language of the unheard” is one of the less frequently cited sayings of Dr Martin Luther King Jr, but its truth has been illustrated in the recent textile workers’ strike in the Indian city of Bengaluru. The Garment and Textiles Workers’ Union planned the protests over the government’s new laws stating […]
Why we support the Palestinian rebellion
Young Palestinians across the Occupied Territories have continued to clash with the Israeli military, while inside Israel more than 20,000 Palestinian citizens of Israel have taken to the streets to call for an end to the country’s apartheid and occupation polices. Thirty-three Palestinians are now dead, including 7 children. Thousands more are injured. As each day passes, more […]
A historic vote in Greece, but challenges ahead
It is the morning after the biggest celebration Greece has seen since the fall of military rule. An emphatic 61 percent of people voted OXI (“no”) in the country’s referendum on whether to accept European-enforced austerity. People gathered in Syntagma Square in central Athens and in squares around the country. Families celebrated together in their […]
#BlackLivesMatter looks to the future
Danny Katch (for socialistworker.org) listens to activists around the country to see where the discussion about what’s next for the movement is headed, and what that means for the struggle. THE MURDER of Mike Brown on the streets of Ferguson, Missouri, last August–as horrific as it was–is far from unique. More than 150 years after the […]
Wellington Solidarity with Hong Kong Protesters
About 50 people gathered in front of the Chinese Embassy on Glenmore St in Wellington Wednesday to support the pro-democracy protests in Hong Kong. Wearing black clothes and yellow ribbon pins, the group held signs calling for “Democracy”, “Proper Elections” and to “Stop Violence on HK Students”. Many signs included images of umbrellas as this […]
Mass protests grow on the streets of Hong Kong
The mass protests on the streets of Hong Kong over the past few days have been inspiring. The protests started with university students holding class boycotts and then public lectures in central Hong Kong. These led to an occupation of Civic Square, a space – as its name suggests – which is supposed to be […]
Wellington in Solidarity with Egyptian Revolutionaries
January 25th marks three years since Egypt’s revolutionary uprisings ended the rule of Mubarak. Today on four continents protests are happening in solidarity with Egypt’s revolutionaries. We initiated a symbolic picket in Wellington today to link Aotearoa with this global solidarity, and were joined by local anarchists and supporters of the International Bolshevik Tendency. Our […]
Syria: No to Assad, No to US Imperialism
The Syrian civil war has come about as a response to the rule of Bashar al-Assad who succeeded his father in the year 2000, coming into presidency with strong support of the people and with aspirations of democracy and secularism. However, as his presidency unfolded, not much changed for the Syrian people. The economy was […]