Iran’s Feminist Revolution – A conversation with local Iranian organisers

Iran feminist uprising

Masha Amini (or Jina Amini, her Kurdish name) was 22 years old when she was arrested in Tehran on 13 September 2022 by the Guidance Patrol (or “morality police”) of Iran for not wearing her hijab “correctly”. Three days later, she died in hospital. Leaked medical scans suggest this was a result of beatings by […]

Imperialism in the Pacific

The following was originally presented as a public talk to the Te Whanganui-a-Tara branch of the International Socialist Organisation and the Te Herenga Waka Victoria University of Wellington ISO club. The talk was on the topic “Imperialism in the Pacific”, and was pitched to be of value both to experienced organisation members as well as […]

No War! Stop the Invasion of Ukraine!

Peace for Ukraine, Freedom for Russia

Speech given to the Pōneke branch of the International Socialist Organisation, 8 March 2022. On the 24th of February, Russian President Vladimir Putin announced what he called a “special military operation” in Ukraine. Russian troops, who had been massing on Ukraine’s borders since December last year, crossed over and invaded Ukraine, first into areas of […]

No war: Solidarity with the Ukrainian people – Russian troops out!

For internationalist solidarity between Ukrainian and Russian workers For Ukrainian and Russian workers’ resistance to Putin’s attack on Ukraine For Russians overthrowing the Putin regime For Ukrainian self-determination No to NATO, no to interference by the US and its allies As Putin invaded Ukraine, Russians bravely responded with illegal anti-war demonstrations in 53 cities. This […]

‘Lets Have This Fight’: Sudan Resisting a Coup

“A sense of relief” is how Sudanese political activist Muzan Alneel, speaking via Zoom from the capital, Khartoum, describes the mood on the streets of Sudan in the first hours of the coup on 25 October. “I remember seeing people come into the street singing, like they’re singing against the coup and they’re singing against […]

For Internationalism

Anyone keeping an eye on Palestine, Myanmar, Western Sahara, or any other state repression, has witnessed two familiar opposing narratives emerge. On one hand, the mass counter-repression response is a reminder that collective action can raise an internationalist solidarity response. On the other, the reactionary voice of nationalism rears its ugly head, from both the […]

China, Imperialism, and War

What’s the biggest threat in the world today? For Australian Deputy Prime Minister Barnaby Joyce it’s not climate change, nor COVID; “more important to the nation than anything else” is the rise of China, and the need for the Australian state to bolster its military credentials and alliances in the face of the relative decline […]

A Short History of Uighur Resistance

In a by now familiar pattern, Grayzone has taken up the cause of a powerful and oppressive state against a weaker enemy using a geopolitical litmus test. Since the USA has invaded and occupied dozens of Third World countries for over two hundred years, there’s no point in taking the side of any oppressed nationality […]

Hong Kong after the uprising

For the third time since the handover of Hong Kong from British colonial rule to Chinese sovereignty, the region exploded in protest in 2019. One million people took to the streets in a 9 June mobilisation called by the Civil Human Rights Front, a coalition of pro-democracy groups, in the biggest demonstration since 1997. Three days […]

The Politics of Hate: Racism and Islamophobia in NZ Today

This talk was presented to the Pōneke branch of the ISO on 17 March 2020 by Romany Tasker-Poland, a teacher, trade unionist, and member of the ISO. We are speaking about a year after the massacre at the mosques in Christchurch, as commemorations are being held. Every day is bringing out more information about this […]