Say No to AUKUS

In this piece I’ll be examining AUKUS and how it relates to, and is a product of, the system that the working class of the world currently suffers under. I’ll also be touching on some larger topics such as China, the relevance of AUKUS to us here in Aotearoa, and the big question – What […]

Indian Election and Hindu Nationalism In New Zealand

The pre-amble to the constitution of India declares it to be a sovereign, socialist, secular, democratic republic. It is an admirable vision for the country. In reality one could argue, plausibly, that none of those terms are applicable to the Indian state, at least not on the national level. The previous decade has seen a […]

Healthcare workers in solidarity with Palestine

On 11 October, the fifth day of the war on Gaza, emergency services at Al Shifa Hospital received a call from a nearby neighbourhood. The assault by Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) had caused mass casualties in the vicinity of the Karni Crossing.  Palestinian Red Crescent ambulances had to wait to receive clearance from Israel. The […]

The New Movement for Palestine in Aotearoa New Zealand

All out April 7! Justice for Palestine have called this day for a major mobilisation in Wellington in solidarity with the Palestinian people. As the genocidal destruction in Gaza enters a new, even more horrifying, phase, it is essential we sustain the pressure. Publicise, mobilise, act: let’s make this next demonstration as big as we […]

Hands off Yemen: US and NZ out of the Middle East

The USA has demonstrably and violently escalated tensions surrounding the blockade in the Red Sea. It has responded to Houthi actions against shipping vessels by killing Yemeni Houthis, whose actions are a result of Israel’s ongoing genocide and occupation of Palestine and the withholding of aid to Palestinians. New Zealand, along with the UK and […]

Union Response to the War on Gaza

Palestinian unions are urging global unions to show solidarity and refuse to support the ongoing destruction in Gaza, including hospitals, ambulances, and refugee centres. Calling on unions internationally:  To refuse to build weapons destined for Israel. To refuse to transport weapons to Israel. To pass motions in their trade union to this effect. To take […]

Boycott Divest Sanction: From Capetown to Gaza 

A placard at the picket at Ports of Auckland on November 23, 2023 ((Photo: Gabi Lardies)

The oppression of the Palestinian people continues. Since October 7th, the response to Hamas’ attacks has been Israeli airstrikes, a vicious media campaign condemning communities that are being flattened by Israeli rockets, and the threat of an attempt to force over two million Palestinians from some of the last of their land. There has been […]

Imperialism, capitalism, colonialism: The Israeli state and occupied Palestine

The following is based on an introduction given to an educational discussion in Te Whanganui-a-Tara branch of the ISO on October 31st 2023. The recorded talk is also available here. Two thousand years ago, the Roman Empire, centred on the Mediterranean, reached its zenith. Before the Romans there were many empires in human history based […]

Fascism – What It Is and How to Fight It

This piece was originally presented as a public talk to the Whanganui-a-Tara branch of the ISO in July 2023. The audio of the talk is available on our Youtube channel.  Tēnā koutou katoa. Ko Te Whanganui-a-Tara tōku whenua tupu ko tōku kāinga hoki. Ko Taranaki Whānui ki te Upoko o Te Ika, rātou ko Te […]

AUKUS, USA imperialism, China, and the new Cold War

The following was delivered as a speech at the International Socialist Organisation Aotearoa Public Political Education Day on the 3rd of June 2023. A recorded version of the speech is also available at the following link: While considering the strands of events in the greater Pacific region, this material will not be engaging in […]