Capitalism, the Environment, and Socialism

It’s apparent to everyone today that the world is going through an ecological crisis.  Wilderness is disappearing fast as whole ecosystems – from forests to grasslands to marshlands – are becoming endangered.   For the past two centuries, factories have spewed forth pollution into the atmosphere, poisoning the very air we breathe while lakes, rivers and […]

“Overpopulation” is not to blame for the ecological crisis

Overpopulation is a common theme when discussing environmental destruction. It’s undoubtedly true that since the 1960s an ecological crisis has emerged causing loss of biodiversity, plunging fish stocks, deforestation, and dangerous climate change. Coincidentally since this time the global population has doubled.  It might seem logical therefore to link the two. The idea that ‘overpopulation’ is to blame for […]

The Rena Oil Spill: One Year On

Friday the 5th of October marked one year since the container ship MV Rena struck an artificial reef off the coast of Tauranga as it headed into port, triggering New Zealand’s worst ever environmental disaster. The clean-up that followed took months, and is still not complete: the Rena remains grounded on the Astrolabe Reef and […]

What’s abhorrent? John Key, whaling, and racism

John Key is engaging in a bout of populist moralising, describing killing whales as ‘abhorrent’ in response to South Korea’s indication that they may resume whaling. The hypocrisy is staggering – this same week National has announced further concessions to New Zealand’s dirty and polluting farming industry. If the concept of killing whales is ‘abhorrent’, what about farming […]