TPPA – this fight is not over

More than 20,000 demonstrators brought Auckland’s CBD to a standstill on Thursday, protesting the signing of the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPPA). Braving threats of a heavy-handed response from police, activists blockaded the signing venue at the SkyCity casino, shutting down intersections and impeding traffic in the surrounding area. As their numbers swelled through the morning, […]
Nationalist poison no medicine against the TPPA

There are plenty of good reasons to oppose the TPPA. It’s part of U.S. imperialism’s strategy against China in the Asia-Pacific, working in the economic sphere as the ‘tilt to Asia’ does in the military. It gives greater powers to capitalists, and will be used to water down labour rights and environmental protections. It threatens […]
TPP – Agreement for the Rich

As an International Trade agreement very little within the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPPA) is actually new. The TPPA has been an ongoing process since the early 1980s that has grown in scope and power to now attempt to cover 40% of the world’s GDP. It’s important to place it in its context of imperialism to understand […]
TPPA: An Agreement for the Ruling Class

Agreement on the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPPA) was reached early on Tuesday morning. The final signing could occur in 90 days’ time, with the text likely to be made publically available for the first time during the that period. John Key and Tim Groser claim that deal will not impact Pharmac’s ability to subsidise the cost […]