Talleys AFFCO – New Zealand’s most Dangerous place to work?

Talley’s group is one of the most notorious employers known in the union world. The Talley’s family has made it their personal mission to destroy unionism in New Zealand and they are starting with their own companies. Again the employers are in a dispute with their meat workers, trying to force further cuts in workers […]

Treaty settlements, Maori workers, and the corporate model

The wealth of Maori business is estimated to be around $37 billion but with 60,000 Maori children living in poverty, Mana MP Hone Harawira has suggested to iwi leaders that “maybe it was time we turned our corporate bus around and went back to get all the kids”. On the face of it, that’s just […]

A Victory for Talley’s AFFCO Workers

Union Hard! This slogan from the locked-out and striking men and women of the Meatworkers’ Union had real meaning over the summer and autumn of this year – for twelve hard weeks they faced off against a company determined to break their union. Talley’s did not manage to do this, and it didn’t manage to […]

War to the knife: Meat workers fight back

Multi-millionaire Kiwi capitalists the Talley family have launched an attack on freezing workers they employ at AFFCO plants in the North Island. Talley’s control a huge chunk of New Zealand’s food production and make fat profits. The freezing workers they employ are willing to fight for the right to a union contract. And that’s why […]

AFFCO Workers Stand Strong in Te Puke

 “We’re gonna march, march, march to victory!   We’re gonna fight right to the end!   For workers’ rights, and freedom! Aue!  Ake, ake, kia kaha e!” A new take on the folk song dedicated to the Māori Battalion echoed through the streets of Te Puke on Saturday as over 500 locked-out meat workers, whānau and supporters made their […]

Stand by Affco workers!

Affco workers have been locked out of their jobs as bosses try to attack the rights of workers around the country.  776 union members employed at Affco-operated freezing works in the North Island were barred from work from the 29th of February.  In a show of solidarity, more than 400 other workers walked off the job […]

Meat Workers: Ready to Fight, Ready to Win

What an inspiration Ngaruawahia’s Whare family are to all unionists! Kerry Whare junior, 22, and Maraea, 21 are two of over one hundred Meat Workers’ Union members who have been locked out by their bosses in an attempt to force through dangerous and physically exhausting speed-ups (“increased productivity” in code). Their parents – Kerry senior and Rangi – are, with […]