Meat Workers: Ready to Fight, Ready to Win
What an inspiration Ngaruawahia’s Whare family are to all unionists! Kerry Whare junior, 22, and Maraea, 21 are two of over one hundred Meat Workers’ Union members who have been locked out by their bosses in an attempt to force through dangerous and physically exhausting speed-ups (“increased productivity” in code). Their parents – Kerry senior and Rangi – are, with […]
We support the Maritime Union: on the Ports of Auckland strikes.
Strike action continues at the Ports of Auckland, after moves by the Board of the Ports of Auckland to axe jobs, outsource work to contractors and turn permanent staff into casual staff. These strikes, organised by the Maritime Union of New Zealand (MUNZ) are the first on the docks in four years and the largest […]
From Land Wars to Union Battles!
Ka whawhai tonu matou, Ake! Ake! Ake!: Rewi Maniapoto’s words from the Waikato Wars of the 1860s rang through the twentieth century and into our own. Maori resistance to colonisation and land theft has never ended and the Maori struggle for self-determination has continued across the generations. Importantly, this struggle has fed in to the […]